

Feb 02

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Awareness is the key to attracting young people

To attract a large number of young people to participate in short-term courses, project staff developed a plan to distribute promotional materials. Before distributing promotional materials, project staff assessed the needs of young people for access to information and, based on the results, developed promotional materials and a plan for their distribution. The results obtained show that the youth of the target areas receive information mainly from public places, the media (television), social networks, etc. According to the data obtained, project staff prepared, printed and distributed the following promotional materials:

  • at various meetings and gatherings, project staff informed the target audience about the start of free short-term courses;
  • announcements about the opening of free short-term courses were placed in public places (market, district center, bus stations, etc.);
  • an information board has been installed in the center of Ishkoshim district, which contains the necessary information about short-term courses;
  • 21 information boards were prepared and installed in various buildings and institutions (jamoats, educational institutions, adult education centers, etc.);
  • SMS messages about the opening of short-term courses were prepared and sent to 24 thousand young people;
  • a commercial was prepared (1.33 minutes) and shown on the Badakhshan television station.


These events made it possible to easily attract young people to short-term courses.

Permanent link to this article: https://jovid.tj/en/awareness-is-the-key-to-attracting-young-people/