International Charity Public Organization «JOVID» (ICPO «JOVID») in 2018 continues carrying out the project «Improvement of livelihoods through adaptation to climate change in Kirgizstan and Tajikistan » financed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Devashtich district. It was planned under the project to distribute agricultural packages among potato growers. Agricultural packages consisted of …
Category Archive: Cooperation with GIZ
Strengthening of Livelihoods through Climate Change Adaptation in Kyrgyzstan and TajikistanProject financed by: BMZ |
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Oct 14
In the framework of the project «Improvement of livelihoods through adaptation to climate change in Kirgizstan and Tajikistan» based on established 5 Demo plots in two main potato growing jamoats (I.Somoni and Vahdat) of Devashtich district since September 16 till September 26 2016 for potato growers in the given district 5 Field days were conducted …
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Jun 22
When farmer knows he is successful farmer
In the framework of the project from June 01 to June 05 2016, 5 Demo plots were established in kishlaks Chuyanchi, Basmanda, Khojaho, Kalai Hoji and Surhob. In target jamoats (Vahdat and I.Somoni) trainings were conducted on topic: «Soil tillage and potato cultivation». At trainings participated 76 people including 30 women or 39,9%. Project experts …
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Jun 03
Experience is the progress factor
According to the project “Improvement of livelihoods through adaptation to climate changes in Kirgizstan and Tajikistan“ financed by BMZ plan in April 2016 5 plots were selected to establish Demo Plots (DP) total area 1,5 ha in jamoats I.Somoni, Vahdat and Mudjun in Devashtich district. The aim of the given activity is to define and …
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Jun 03
Cooperation aimed to implement know how
International Charity Public Organization «Jovid» supported by GIZ distributed among 70 farmers in three main potato growing jamoats (Mujum, I.Somoni and Vahdat) in Devashtich district 20 tons of complex mineral fertilizer nitroammophoska and 90 jars of insecticide aktra. Carried out activity aimed to implement know how in the field of potato cultivation technology. Given activity …
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Jun 03
PRESS – RELEASE Khujand, 03 January 2016 In January 2016 International Charity Public Organization «Jovid» started implementation of one of the components of the project «Enhancement of livelihoods through adaptation to climate change in Kirgizstan and Tajikistan», financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft …
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