Category Archive: Support to the Land reform

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Support to the Land reform in Northern Tajikistan through local extension and support services

The project is financed by: ЕС/TACIS Program through DWHH/GAA

Jan 04

It is better once to see…

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ICPO “Jovid” established two Demo Plots in Ganchi and Shahristan regions to conduct trails and then to show the results for farmers. On these plots the results of trails regarding crops cultivation were promoted, traditional and alternative cultures cultivation new technologies were tested. Farmers cultivated new crops and defined the perspective one. «Jovid» staff conducted …

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Jan 04

More then 2000 consultations – to support rural population!


At the end of 2005 in Shahristan and Ganchi regions Information Consulting Centers (ICC) started its activity (the staff – 14 people). Consultants, Land committee staff in jamoats explained farmers the way the Land reform is supported on the local level, distributed the information about agricultural food prices on the markets. Local producers were taught …

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Jan 03

Good seeds – good yield


Everyone knows that good seeds and good sorts of crops secure good yield, conducting needs assessment in Ganchi and Shahristtan regions ICPO Jovid came to know that farmers do not have access to qualified seeds and seedlings and it was necessary to support them. Seed farming branch in Tajikistan is not in good situation. Seeds …

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Jan 03

Who has the information – he possesses the wealth!


Within project implementation ICPO Jovid distributed the information and necessary literature among farmers, to build their capacity in the field of know how and new cultivation technologies. At the same time brochures and book, booklets were published and distributed among farmers too on trainings, seminars and conferences. In general there were 14 broadcasting on local …

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Jan 03

«Jovid» supports the Land Reform in Shahristan and Ganchi

To support the Land reform in Northern Tajikistan, ICPO «Jovid» established the net of Consulting services, in Shahristan and Ganchi regions Information Consulting centers (ICC) were established. ICC staff conducted trainings for the farmers and gave advices. It was the main goal of the project 1039 – 04: «Support to the Land Reform in Northern …

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