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INTERNATIONAL CHARITY PUBLIC ORGANIZATION «JOVID» was established in August 2002 and registered in Justice Department of Republic of Tajikistan (Registration Certificate # 989). Due to the change of legal adress organization was re -registered in November 25 2014 Certificate #282 “Б”

«To improve rural population livelihoods in Republic of Tajikistan, to make input into country food security through Lending programs development and consulting services improvement and implementation of intensive technologies».

ICPO «JOVID» charity, non commercial non governmental organization, was established with the aim:

  • Help in extraordinary situations in case of emergency, crash, conflicts, force majeure and their consequences,
  • Social and economic development of Republic of Tajikistan
  • Consulting farmers, conducting trainings
  • Help to improve the livelihood of poor people mainly in rural place
  • Distribution of humanitarian aids

ICPO JOVID is the organization dealing with rural place development through carrying out different projects.

Since 2002 organization actively participates in rural development, conducts trainings, and establishes Consulting Services, gains the experience from other carried out projects. Has close cooperation with people, know how and organization experience in Consulting services capacity building makes ICPO “JOVID” ideal partner.

Being involved into rural development through improving agricultural sector and enhancing livelihoods ICPO Jovid carried out more then 35 different projects focused to develop rural place and rural population welfare improvement.

ICPO«JOVID» – is dynamic, upcoming,non governmental organization, methods of working with target group and aims change up to the demand.

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