

Feb 02

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In the modern world, learning without books is impossible to imagine. To make the short-term course more understandable and interesting, training materials were published as part of the project.

List of printed study materials

Educational materials Quantity, pcs
1 Short-term course: “Gas and electric welder” 140
 1.1. Theoritical Manual 20
 1.2. Practical Manual 20
 1.3. Picture Manual 100
2 Short-term course: “Confectionery” 140
 2.1. Theoritical Manual 20
 2.2. Practical Manual 20
 2.3. Picture Manual 100
3 Short-term course: “Sewing” 160
 3.1. Theoritical Manual 30
 3.2. Practical Manual 30
 3.3. Picture Manual 100
4 Short-term course: “Carpenter” 60
 4.1. Theoritical Manual 20
 4.2. Practical Manual 20
 4.3. Picture Manual 20
5 Short-term course: “Accountant” 100
5.1. Theoritical Manual 100
6 Short-term course: “Gardener” 40
 6.1. Theoritical Manual 5
 6.2. Practical Manual 15
 6.3. Picture Manual 20
7 Short-term course: “Repair of household appliances” 40
 7.1. Theoritical Manual 15
 7.2. Practical Manual 15
 7.3. Picture Manual 10



 It should be noted that all educational materials are prepared and printed in Tajik language. Training materials were distributed to vocational training institutions in the project areas. In total, 680 copies of educational materials were printed in accordance with the requirements of teachers and students. Educational materials are intended to improve the level of knowledge of students in vocational training institutions.

Permanent link to this article: http://jovid.tj/en/you-read-books-and-develop-your-brain/