

Feb 02

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Short-term courses – the path to a bright future

It should be noted that in order to reach the most vulnerable segments of the population, project staff, together with employees of professional institutions, came to the conclusion that, along with organizing short-term courses in the buildings of Vocational Lyceums and Adult Education Centers of Tajikistan, short-term courses should also be organized locally (mobile) . This work should be carried out under the strict supervision of project staff and partners, as well as with the involvement of additional teachers. It should be said that mobile courses are mainly intended for rural women and girls. The main reason for opening short-term mobile courses locally is to reduce the cost of living and travel for students during their studies. All organized short-term courses are conducted according to programs approved by the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tatarstan. All vocational education institutions are provided with educational programs.

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1 (5)Students who complete short-term courses with good grades and pass state exams receive a certificate. It should be noted that the issued certificates (diplomas) have international status and are recognized in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The certificate (diploma) gives the employee the right to present the document to the employer and get a job. In 2023, a total of 60 mobile short-term courses were organized and conducted, in which 928 young people from the project areas took part. The coverage of rural girls was 535 or 58% of the total number of short-term course graduates.

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As part of the project, monitoring of short-term courses has been established. During monitoring, special importance is attached to collecting the necessary information on the quality of short-term courses. If a deficiency is detected or to further improve the quality of training, project staff and partners take the necessary measures. Monitoring short-term courses allows us not only to improve the quality of education, but also to find out the interest of young people in future courses and direct our efforts in this direction.


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The monitoring results are presented to the project management, which helps to adjust the project activities in a timely manner. Monitoring results show that outreach and information activities were very effective. These events helped increase the number of young people wishing to learn new skills, new professions and services that are in great demand in the labor market.

Permanent link to this article: http://jovid.tj/en/short-term-courses-the-path-to-a-bright-future/