In September 25 2016 contract was signed about cooperation between the project and Adult Education Centre (AEC) in B.Gafurov district. According to signed contract AEC undertakes to involve 20 students, to secure the class, teachers (except teachers of drip irrigation) after finishing this short term course gives certificates of a state standard. The project provided …
Category Archive: Micro-irrigation technologies: drip irrigation
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Nov 17
Experience exchange is the earnest of success
According to Operation plan under the project «MIT-drip irrigation» the project staff participated in the fair« ISTANBUL WATER EXPO, which took place in August 31 till September 3 2016. The representatives of Qatar, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Kosovo and Tajikistan participated in the fair. The representative of the project participated from Tajikistan, GIZ representatives …
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Nov 17
Trainings to improve knowledge in the field of drip irrigation
Since May till October 2016 6 trainings were organized and conducted on topic: «Drip irrigation system use for agricultural crops and planting» where participated 95 people, including 24 female (25.3%). Organization experts elaborated three types of handouts. All handouts were prepared in simple language understandable for local population taking into consideration all their desire concerning …
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Oct 14
In the framework of the project «Micro irrigation technologies – drip irrigation» within the period May- September in water-short zones in B.Gafurov and Istaravshan districts in Sohgd region six Demo plots were established to implement DIS to irrigate agricultural cultures. The main goal of given plots establishment is to show farmers and stakeholders the advantages …
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Jun 22
About project
RATIONALE Equitable access to water for all is one of the major challenges of the 21st century affecting vital domains as health, education, food security and social and economic development in general. In one century the world’s population has tripled, while the water consumption has sextupled. One of the biggest challenges to adapt to this …
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