

Jun 22

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When farmer knows he is successful farmer

21062016In the framework of the project from June 01 to June 05 2016, 5 Demo plots were established in kishlaks Chuyanchi, Basmanda, Khojaho, Kalai Hoji and Surhob. In target jamoats (Vahdat and I.Somoni) trainings were conducted on topic: «Soil tillage and potato cultivation». At trainings participated 76 people including 30 women or 39,9%. Project experts Qodirov E., Shukurov D. and Sadirov O. explained to farmers peculiarities of loamy and sandy – loam soil preparation to cultivate potato, preparation of planting stock, use of Nitroammophoska and Aktara while cultivation, characteristics of potato sort Big Rose and cultivation elements (width of space between rows, depth of cultivation, density of tuber standing and so on). Participants were interested concerning the Demo plots activity as «It is better once to see than 100 times to hear». Except farmers trainings attended local authorities from target jamoats. Conducting trainings interactive methods were used, principle of starting from simple and then to complicated, from general to practical specific examples.

To make the material easy for understanding, during conducted trainings case studies were studied regarding specific farmers’ experience, it was offered a lot of different practical tasks. All seminars were conducted according to elaborated programs.

Potato growers were interested in methods of cutting tubers, soil and tubers diseases, potato crop rotation and so on. Project experts answered all questions asked by farmers. Based on established Demo Plots in future it is planned to conduct more Field days and trainings.

Permanent link to this article: http://jovid.tj/en/when-farmer-knows-he-is-successful-farmer/