

Jan 03

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Farmer to farmer is friend


DP in Shahristan

When Consulting Centers started their work, Demo Plots (DP) were established and special program on experience exchange among the farmers was elaborated.

On these Demo plots farmers could see the results of trails and compare with theory.

In project regions two Demo plots, two demonstration holdings and four initiative groups were established, more then 150 farmers visited conducted Field days.

On Demo plots and demonstration holdings trails are conducted and gained experience in the field of new cultivation technologies of wheat, potato, tomato,


Getting familiarized with intensive wheat sorts

beetroot, carrots, buckwheat, beans and melons is distributed among the farmers, including soy cultivation as alternative crop, which was very popular among farmers. Based on DP and initiative groups trainings are conducted and farmers themselves can see the results of agricultural crops cultivation technologies use.

As a result of this activity carried out on DP and demonstration holdings special manuals, information materials are elaborated and distributed among interested in farmers.

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