

Jan 03

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Good seeds – good yield

g28Everyone knows that good seeds and good sorts of crops secure good yield, conducting needs assessment in Ganchi and Shahristtan regions ICPO Jovid came to know that farmers do not have access to qualified seeds and seedlings and it was necessary to support them.

Seed farming branch in Tajikistan is not in good situation. Seeds cultivated in regions are not on the State seeds list. 40% of cultivated seeds are of food seeds and forage corn, holdings do not have funds to purchase good seeds.


In general, seeds farming system in Sugd province is not functioning, there is no adjusted system of seeds growing and multiplication of elite and first reproduction seeds. It depends on economic situation in the country and changes in agricultural production strategy.

Based on this fact ICPO «Jovid» offered multiplying the seeds for farmers and farm holdings. Since 2006 Shahristan and Ganchi regions became the area of receiving seeds.

In September – October, organization purchased 32100 kg of wheat seeds sort «Polpis» and «Krasnodar», 400 kg. Barley seeds sort «Luchak», in November – 33443 kg potatoes sort «Picasso». It is worth to mention the fact that seeds characteristics were tested by «Jovid» during two years on Demo plots.

The results were very nice.

All planting materials were distributed among 29 dehkan holdings. Farmers cultivated them on 153,45hectares of land.


Permanent link to this article: http://jovid.tj/en/good-seeds-good-yield/