

Jan 03

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Trainings and consulting were attended by 1000 people…

Тренинг по агрономии в дж. Сурх

trening_pfh g4Needs assessment was conducted regarding trainings and consulting for the target groups. Trainings and Field days were conducted by experts, where all farmers’ problems were taken into consideration and discussed.


1. Dehkan holdings establishment and activity;
2. Taxation and single tax;
3. The ways of soil fertility improvement;
4. Pest control of common diseases and potato pests;
6. Husbandry;
7. Agricultural crops processing and storage;
8. Agricultural production marketing;
9. Soil protection methods of land use;
10. Farmers legal awareness.
Trainings and seminars were conducted on different directions by consultants. When elaborating trainings schedule, experts took into consideration agricultural production seasonality, crops cultivation terms. The most efficient time to conduct training on economic, planning and management is winter and spring as at that time farmers plan their activity.In general 50 trainings and Field days were conducted, where participated – 1 064 people in target jamoats. The number of participated women is – 23,9%.

Permanent link to this article: http://jovid.tj/en/trainings-and-consulting-were-attended-by-1000-people/