

May 04

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Goods for population in Zafarabad district

P1130804Under given activity it was assumed to distribute goods (blankets, thermos, underwear and shirts) for aged vulnerable population in Zafarabad district Sugd region. Given activity covered more than 1160 families.  This type of activity was carried out under the project: «Preparation for emergency and risk of disaster reduction for adults in Tajikistan and Kirgizstan», financed by HelpAgeInternational.

ICPO Jovid staff together with initiative aged groups prepared the list of beneficiaries in Zafarabad districts and then good were distributed.



The distribution process was divided into two phases:

  1. Distribution of blankets and thermoses for 600 families;
  2. Distribution of underwear and shirts for 561 families.

The first phase started in 5 January 2012 in 5 jamoats. To promote the process six staff of ICPO Jovid distributed goods in the jamoats. Aged people in jamoats helped the project staff to distribute the goods in jamoats. Within the given period 600 sets of goods were distributed (each target jamoat received 120 sets of goods) for aged vulnerable people in Zafarabad district.

DSC04379The second phase started in 9 March 2012. Six staff of ICPO Jovid was responsible for the given activity to distribute 560 sets of underwear and shirts. Within the period more than 560 families received goods in Zafarabad district. As a result of two phases 1160 families benefited in Zafarabad district.

It is worth to mention that coordination of work of all interested in such as aged people, jamoat staff and mahalla representatives in Zafarabad district was very fruitful concerning the list of beneficiaries’ elaboration and organization of goods distribution.

Besides vehicles were organized for disabled people and goods were distributed on the spot at their houses. All those who received goods highly appreciated the support.

Permanent link to this article: http://jovid.tj/en/goods-for-population-in-zafarabad-district/